B. Using shell script
This method is quite easy to execute.
I. Just copy the “cfg2html-linux_2.94-2.tar.gz” file to the destination directory on the linux server.
II. Now gunzip the file using gunzip command.
gunzip cfg2html-linux_2.94-2.tar.gz
III. Untar the tar file
tar -xvf cfg2html-linux_2.94-2.tar
IV. This will create the directory “cfg2html-linux-2.94”
V. Go into the directory
[root@kalwa1 tmp]# cd cfg2html-linux-2.94
VI. Execute the ./cfg2html-linux command in the same directory.Sample output is as below:
[root@kalwa1 cfg2html-linux-2.94]# ./cfg2html-linux ---=[ http://www.cfg2html.com ]=----------------------------------------------- Starting cfg2html-linux version 2.94-2014/05/07 Path to Cfg2Html ./cfg2html-linux HTML Output File ./kalwa1.home.com.html Text Output File ./kalwa1.home.com.txt Partitions ./kalwa1.home.com.partitions.save Errors logged to ./kalwa1.home.com.err Started at 2015-05-31 21:53:02 WARNING USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! :-)) <<<<< ---=[ http://www.cfg2html.com ]=----------------------------------------------- Collecting: Linux System (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago)) .. Collecting: Cron and At ....... Collecting: Hardware ........................ Collecting: Software ........ Collecting: Filesystems, Dump- and Swapconfiguration .......... Collecting: LVM ............ Collecting: Network Settings ...................................... Collecting: Kernel, Modules and Libraries ................ Collecting: System Enhancements . Collecting: Applications and Subsystems .......... Collecting: Local files . ---=[ http://www.cfg2html.com ]=----------------------------------------------- [root@kalwa1 cfg2html-linux-2.94]#
For sample output click this link ==> kalwa1.home.com
how can in do this?
Just copy the html file to client machine at open it in a using your favourite browser
You just copy the generated html file from the server to the local system/desktop using ftp/sftp & open it using browser like internet explorer/google chrome.