user access control
In UNIX system you always need to deal with security towards the system. File or directory level user access control is one of them.
Mainly the purpose of the user access control list is to provide secure access to the flies and directory within the system. There are only two commands to configure the user access control list in Linux system.
1. getfacl which displays the currently configured access to directory or to file.
2. setfacl which actually set the user access control for to directory or to file.
So let’s jump directly into the demo of “user access control list”
Here we are configuring the user access control for the user manmohan in the directory /etc.
1. Let check first if manmohan user has write user access control for “/etc” directory or not.
2. Log in as manmohan cd to /etc.
3. Now try to create directory inside /etc and system responds with.
[manmohan@kalwa2 etc]$ mkdir test2 mkdir: cannot create directory `test2': Permission denied
4. Now Let’s configure the user access for manmohan user.
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