Are you looking for a good practice server So that you can rehearsal or do training on Linux activities ? Is your budget is tight and you are exploring all cloud services option. Then you must explore amazon AWS free tier that provides a server “micro-instance” at no cost for one year. With this you can build free server on aws that too within a minute.
Pre-requisite to build free server on AWS:
➡ AWS Account:
First of all you need to have aws account to build free server on amazon aws EC2. For signing an account ,You can sign up here. Amazon needs credit card and phone number details for initial signup. Amazon provides free tier account with which you can practice things for one year obvious keeping some limitations for use.You can check all the details here.
Step 1: Create EC2 Instance:
You might be knowing that EC2 is nothing but an Elastic compute cloud which is a virtual computing environment (similar to virtual machine in vmware )
In order to build free server on aws, access the AWS Management Console and click the EC2 tab. Please select following options For creating EC2 instance:
- Choose an AMI in the classic instance wizard: I chose the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 (HVM), SSD Volume Type . (Make sure you select Free Tier only check box in the left pane, just to make sure that you are using free services offered by AWS.). Click Next.
- Instance details: t2.micro,Click Next.
- Configure Instance Details: No Need to change anything,Click Next.
- Add Storage: No Need to change anything,Click Next.
- Add Tags: No Need to change anything,Click Next.
- Configure Security Group: Make sure port 22 is open from any so that you can access the server from anywhere,Click Review and launch.
- Create new key pair:Please do not forget to Create a new key pair. Give name for your key and download it on your computer with .pem extension.
- Now Launch your instance.
Step 2.Login to server:
In order to Login to EC2 instance Please check the steps here.
Please check my post about attaching storage for extra space on server with AWS.
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