Categories: HPUNIX

Simple way to extract file from Ignite image

Post about how to extract file from Ignite image in HPUX. Ignite image is an os backup file of HPUX operating system.

What is ignite image?

Whenever you take backup of any HPUX operating system using HP’s ignite software, this creates a ignite image file under “/var/opt/ignite/archives/” with .gz extension.

How to extract file from ignite image

If in case you want to extract file from ignite image backup file you need to use “gzcat” command with following procedure.

1. Set the any variable with location of ignite image file.

Suppose that in our case ignite image file is located at “/var/opt/ignite/archives/iux11i32bit.gz”, then initialize a variable as below:

$ archive=/var/opt/ignite/archives/iux11i32bit.gz

2. Now set another variable with the filename which you want to extract from the ignite image.

$ NameNarc=opt/hpws/util/ports.sh

3. Now cross check that, the file exists in the ignite image file or not.

$ gzcat iux11i32bit.gz | tar -tvf - | grep ${NameNarc}
r-xr-xr-x 2/2 8094 Oct 5 14:48 2016 opt/hpws/util/ports.sh

Since we got the output from the command, which confirms that file exists inside the ignite image file.

4. Set the location where you want to extract the above file.

$ NameNtmp=/tmp/myfile.sh

5. Now extract file from Ignite image using below command:

$ gzcat ${archive} | pax -s,${NameNarc},${NameNtmp}, -rvf - ${NameNarc}
USTAR format archive

6. Now you have got your file extracted at the location /tmp/myfile.sh :

$ ls -aol ${NameNtmp}
-r-xr-xr-x 1 mann 8094 Oct 5 2016 /tmp/myfile.sh

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