Categories: Linux

How to connect server using Chrome web browser

You might be using famous putty tool for connecting to your server via ssh or telnet. However there is one more way , with which you can connect via Browser. Yes you heard it right you can connect server using Chrome web browser. No need of putty tool always. By using chrome extension Secure Shell you can connect server using Chrome web browser.

Here is step by step procedure to connect server using Chrome web browser:

Step 1: You can search Search for “Secure Shell” in the extension window of chrome or you just use below link to find it out.

Check out “Secure Shell”: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/secure-shell/pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo?utm_source=gmail

Step 2: Now click on “Add To CHROME” button as below:

Step 3: Click on “Add app”button in the next pop-up.

Step 4: Once installed you need to access app at location “chrome://apps/” where you will find  app icon  for secure shell Please click the same.

Step 5: After click new pop up window will open . Please enter your ip details and user details as below and click on “[ENTER] Connect” button.

Step 6: Now enter Yes in when system ask question about “continue connecting”and enter password of the user, Hurray you are now connected to server right from Google chrome browser.


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