Two Clever Linux Tricks to secure plain text files.

Everybody nowadays thinks in terms of securing data. For securing data cryptography comes into the picture.  Cryptography is nothing but…


Linux RAM Disk configuration Video Blog

Please select 1080p  from the setting for HD quality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaevqP7eUa8


Linux RAM Disk

Linux RAM Disk Linux RAM Disk is nothing but the Space from the server RAM which can acts as the…


DNS (Domain name system).

DNS stands for Domain name system. The basic purpose of the DNS is to provide the IP or resolve the…


Linux compression command utilities

1. Zip Following are the main compression utilities that are available :-) Format for zipping the files: zip <filename> <source_files> -----------------------------OUTPUT-------------------------------------------------------…


Linux system information commands

Linux system information commands. Some time we need to drill down in the system for getting the details about the…


3 Step procedure to Setup ubuntu firewall

In this post will guide you about how to setup ubuntu firewall. In this post we will be installing GUFW…
